Ladies, or men with female partners, go get her now. How many have a vibrator that you either use alone or with a partner? Now have you ever thought you could use your vibrator on your male partner?
Vibration and toys aren’t just for the girls. The range of sex toys for men is growing and improving rapidly. But this is about how you can experiment with toys that are designed for females, on a penis.
Here are few ways you can turn your vibrator into a multi use, his and hers pleasure device.
Any toy in the drawer that vibrates can be used on him for a bit of fun foreplay or even as the main event! A bullet or wand is the perfect toy to experiment with vibration. Start on the lowest setting and see where it feels good, some places to try could be nipples, inner thighs, neck , everyones sweet spots are different..
The balls are a sensitive area so go gentle to start with, low settings and a very light touch increasing pressure and vibration strength as it feels good to him. Plenty of lube to make sure the toy glides smoothly over the skin will make it more enjoyable. This ball play can be a great addition to a blow job.
Next try vibration on the shaft of the penis, again lots of lube and slide the toy up and down. He will let you know where the sweetspots are, again applying more pressure and vibration as desired. The tip of the penis is another area to experiment with and we absolutely suggest you try out the frenulum (banjo string) this is where the foreskin meets the underside of the penis. It looks like a small V just below the head. Usually part of it remains after circumcision also. It is a very sensitive area, similar to the clitoris of a woman. Start with a very low setting and increase as desired. Try different movements such as circles, up and down or side to side and also pulsing the toy on the area.

A new sensation can take a bit of getting use to as the brain isn’t use to this kind of stimulation, it relates, BJ’s, Sex and Handjobs for instance with orgasm, so introducing something new, even tho it feels good can sometimes take a little while before it brings you to orgasm. So don’t give up after 1 night, keep trying and experimenting and of course having fun with it!
Now anyone who has a Air Pulse toy will know how amazing they feel on the clitoris and what amazing orgasms they give. But did you know that they can also give that same pleasure to penis owners aswell. The best spot for an airpulse toy is again the frenulum, but the tip is also worth a play. As with the clitoris, move it gently to find the “right spot” and then let the magic happen!
As with vibration start on the lowest setting, grab the lube and give it a go, we are pretty sure he will thank you for sharing your toys..
And dont forget Tit for Tat, when he’s satisfied it’s your turn ladies, so make sure that toy is fully charged up to last the night!!!